Over mij

Mijn foto
Hi there, I'm an amateur make up artist. And I hope to give you all some tips and tricks about make up and fashion. I also would like to share some reviews on products. And I might give you some tips about accessories, movies or music too *wink*

13 jun 2011

What's this???

Hi to all of you!

I know not many people will read this (probably), because I'm just starting up this whole thing. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm working out some ideas on what to post on here.

So, I just wanted to tell you something about myself. Here's a picture of myself and my boyfriend.

My name is Kim and I'm from Belgium. I live really close to the seaside, that's why I'm an hour away (by boat) from the UK and 10 minutes (by car) away from French. I'm 19 years old now and own 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 boyfriend (no, I don't have 2), tons of make up, liters of nail polish and a room to put this all in.
I'm still at school. I study for Desktop Publisher (you know, those people who make advertisements, posters and who Photoshop all the "beautiful" models.) 2011 - 2012 will be my final year.

I'm really really really into cosmetics. Since 2 years I've been checking out all the brands, trying out different kinds of make up. I've been wearing it since I was like 14 years old or something, but since 2 years I've been really experimenting on it.
Also fashion seduced me since I was 10.

And I've been watching those tutorials on YouTube for ages and now I think I could do the same. So I hope I can help a lot of people by writing this blog and maybe in the future I might consider of filming some tutorials myself.

You're asking yourself: what are you up to??
Now, what I'd really like to post on here are mostly "How to's". But on several subjects:
 - Make up
 - Fashion
 - Accesorize
 - Hair
 - and so on

But also reviews on different kind of products that you guys might consider on using.
So I hope I gave you an idea about what you can expect on this blog.

And this was probably the most boring part of my blog.

So let's have some fun and get on with How to-ing and Review-ing!

Hear from me soon!

Big smooch,

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