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Hi there, I'm an amateur make up artist. And I hope to give you all some tips and tricks about make up and fashion. I also would like to share some reviews on products. And I might give you some tips about accessories, movies or music too *wink*

7 nov 2011

Different skin types

Hey beautiful!

It's been a really, really long time that I've posted on this blog, but it's been crazy busy! I'm also checking out to start posting videos on YouTube, but I'll keep you posted about that.

So, I have this idea on a series. I want to tell you all more about the different skin types and how to take care of it. This blog is how to know which skin type YOU have.

I think you have these days that you feel like this too:
You're walking on the street and you're just staring at this girl who looks to have the best skin type ever!
You're asking yourself: My gosh, how did she do that?
Now, I'm here to tell you: Don't think she has DONE that, she's born that way ;)
Your skin type is just something that's in your nature for the rest of your life. The only thing we can do about it, is take care of it.

How do you know which type of skin you have?
Let's do the test: take a clean and dry facial tissue and wipe your face clean. Be certain that you do this in the morning, after you just woke up. This is the best time, because our skin recovers during the night. So in the morning your skin will be the most natural.
The different skintypes: 
My skin is combination type.
This means that if I wipe my T-zone (Forehead, nose and chin) there will be oily traces on the tissue. But if I wipe my cheeks, they won't leave traces (they're dry).
This skin type is the most common type among women. We'll need alot more different types of products!

Normal skin:
The tissue reveals no traces of oil and the skin doesn't feel dry. Well, you're lucky! You'll  have the least problems with your skin =)
This skin type is very supple and you don't really need skincare to make your skin looks clean and smooth. It will last, even with aging.

Dry skin:
The tissue won't reveal traces of oil too, but your skin feels dry and/or flaky. You're not as lucky as the normal skin type, because you're more likely to have wrinkles and aging traces will show much sooner. Also irritations are very common with this skin type.

Oily skin:The tissue has spots of oil on it, especially when you've wiped your T-zone. You also tend to break out. If you have this skin type, without taking really care of it, you're skin will look greasy and shiny. BUT this skin isn't that prone to aging and wrinkling.

Sensitive skin:
This looks alot like dry skin, but you mostly develop redness. Also itch and breakouts are common. This skin type is very fragile and problematic. You'll need a special skincare!

Ok, this is a really short intro on skintypes. In my next blog we'll be talking about skincare for the combination skin.
You can always let me know which skintype you have. What are your biggest problems with your skintype?

Big Smooch!